Circle Magic for Birth: A Mini Course Beyond the Ordinary

A 3-Part "I Opening" Video Series & Introduction to the Triple Spiral of Birth Wisdom ✨

Remember who you are so you are prepared to trust yourself for a calm and peaceful birth

Part 1: Reweave Your Circle 🐛

Part 2: Embody Circle Magic 🌀

Part 3: Practice Circle Magic 🦋

The Journey Has Begun!

Birth is more than a physiologic process.

Cycles as old as Earth herself guide birth, just as they guide the menstrual cycle, but when it comes to pregnancy and birth, the wisdom of cycles had been buried.

While the cyclic nature of birth was lost for generations, it was not forgotten - and now this wisdom is returned to the rightful hands of women and mothers so birth can be returned to the nature-based tradition it belongs to.

Now you can bring the magic of cycles and circles into your pregnancy and birth so you can trust yourself and the nature of birth.

Journey Into The Triple Spiral of Birth Wisdom

Part 1 ~ Reweave Your Circle

The journey begins in the time before, exploring where you came from and the time when you were still whole and harmonized with the Earth and the Universe. Connecting with the past is how you begin to reweave the elements of yourself back together so you build your inner strength for the remainder of the journey ahead, including birth.

Part 2 ~ Embody Circle Magic

Step into the embodiment of Circle Magic by actively weaving the first three layers of Circle Magic into your homebirth preparation.

This is the longest part of the journey and will take you through the triple layers of:

~Harmony with Elemental Time~

~The Great Cycle of Life: Maiden to Mother~

~The Elemental Being Spiral~

Part 3 ~ Practice Circle Magic

Deepen your connection to nature, the elements of your inner alchemy, and the wise wisdom of your ancestors through journaling, a guided meditation, and a curated playlist to inspire your inward journey to who you are and continue your practice of Circle Magic for as long as it serves you.

Kind Words From Past Students

[Circle Magic for Homebirth] was a gentle and beautiful reminder that most women today are living within an unnatural timeline invented by a modern society......that does not cherish or respect the phases of life that we all inevitably experience. I loved it! Again, you are sharing wisdom and insight that is so needed by so many women today.


What I thought might be possible now feels like it is my birth rite: to access my intuition and Inner Wise Woman as I navigate the waters of pregnancy...Tristin outlines a clear path of connecting with your Inner Wise Woman. During the seminar, I discovered how much more important my connection is with my Wise Woman than with all the newest research and evidence that bombards my mind. With this connection, I can now move forward through my pregnancy with greater confidence and without fear.


I have been having a lot of anxiety around getting ready for my first baby to come earth side as well as feeling overwhelmed with other things in my life. The Inner Wise Woman course made me feel instantly more confident and empowered. All worries and stress went away and I knew that I will be able to give birth at home without needing anyone but myself. The course was honestly my favorite one I’ve taken so far and I really enjoyed listening to the encouragement and empowering lessons. Thank you!

Brittany's been so empowering because it's so specific to you and your birthWhat's so cool about this program is it's tailored to who you are and how to take that into your's been so empowering because it's so specific to you and your birth, not just the anatomy of birth, in fact most of the questions that were answered, I didn't even know I had!


Gifts to Enhance Your Journey

  • Guided mediation to meet your Wise Women Ancestors and learn the origin of your Elemental Being

  • Printable workbook and journal prompts

  • Curated playlist to awaken the feeling of Elemental Time in your body