Holistic Pregnancy & Birth Support

Natural Birth Compass Signature Program

Feel confident making informed decisions about your prenatal care and birth so

you are in control of your birth experience

Being in Control of Your Birth Creates the Freedom to Surrender to the Flow of Your Birth

Being in Control of Your Birth Begins By Being in Control of Your Pregnancy

Being Confident Taking Charge of Your Pregnancy Care Requires Three Essential Tools:

  • Well-rounded, comprehensive pregnancy & birth education so you can make informed decisions

  • Mind-body preparation so you can tune into your intuition and trust your instincts

  • Communication strategies so your birth team knows what you need to support your ideal birth

The unknowns of pregnancy and birth are the most common cause of fear in pregnancy. That fear compounds over time to create physical, mental, and emotional tension that impacts the flow of labor and birth.

When you combine the tools of education, mind-body preparation, and communication, you build a calibrated inner compass to guide you through any path your pregnancy and birth takes.

With your inner compass, you know how to control the aspects of your birth environment that support your birth so you feel safe surrendering to the flow of your labor with your baby.

These Three Tools Come Together in the Natural Birth Compass Physiologic Birth & Prenatal Wellness Program

This program is a compilation of 15 years of birth work influenced by Eastern and Western practices built on a foundation of:

  • Blending modern science and the wisdom of the nature of physiologic pregnancy and birth to bring knowledge and peace to your mind

  • Movement awareness exercises based on ancient Qi Gong techniques adapted for pregnancy to bring comfort and peace to your body

  • Breathwork, meditative hypnosis and a unique approach to communication strategies to unlock your subconscious and bring peace to your spirit

The tools in the Natural Birth Compass Program will help you:

  • Get crystal clear on your desires for your birth and feel confident communicating those desires with your birth team

  • Understand the natural physiology of birth so well you know how to prevent unnecessary interventions & complications

  • Attune to your core and pelvic floor so you can reduce your risk of tearing by 90% or more

  • Create a weekly routine that increases your relaxation and energy for a more comfortable pregnancy and birth experience

  • Actually believe in your body's ability to give birth naturally

Client Experiences of Natural Birth Compass Program Offerings:

"I have been having a lot of anxiety around getting ready for my first baby to come earth side as well as feeling overwhelmed with other things in my life. The Inner Wise Woman course made me feel instantly more confident and empowered. All worries and stress went away and I knew that I will be able to give birth at home without needing anyone but myself. The course was honestly my favorite one I’ve taken so far and I really enjoyed listening to the encouragement and empowering lessons. Thank you!" ~Brittany

"I was much more at ease and more emotionally prepared. I felt like I knew what to expect every step of the birth and prepared to take on any challenges thrown my way. That gave me confidence and peace of mind... I was interested to see how focused I became during my labor and my reliance on the compass cycle for recovering for the next contraction." ~Jen

Hear How Starre Went From Terrified to Give Birth to Her Second Baby to Excited for Her Second Birth Experience!

It's Easy to Fall Down the Rabbit Hole of Research Looking for Answers, So if You've Had Questions Like:

  • Do I need an ultrasound?

  • What does this lab work mean?

  • Which testing is really necessary?

  • Do I need to take extra iron?

  • Do I need a birth plan?

  • Should I test for gestational diabetes and Group B strep?

  • What do I do if I'm Rh-? Is Rhogam my only option and is it safe?

  • Does my baby really need antibiotics and vitamin K?

  • What are the best positions to give birth in?

  • How will I know if I'm in labor?

  • What are the best comfort techniques? Hypnosis? Acupressure? Birth balls?

  • How do I avoid tearing?

  • How long should I wait to cut the cord?

  • What if I need an intervention?

  • Do I need a doula?

Then the Natural Birth Compass Physiologic Birth & Prenatal Wellness Program is for you!

Plus, Our Students Say This is the Most In-depth Physiologic Birth Course There Is!

"I took four courses and yours is the one I walked away with feeling the most empowered, very specifically the physiological birth part where you show the slides of where baby is....Having known what baby does in that dance with the pictures for some reason just let me trust the process so I never felt worried." ~Cassie

I have always intuitively trusted birth, but when I started teaching families, I wanted to offer the wisdom of why
we can trust birth. After years of only finding standard physiologic birth training about hormones, stages of labor, and routine interventions, I knew there was something missing, something that would explain what our ancestors knew beyond the externally defined stages of labor that are only useful to give feedback to doctors and midwives, not a woman immersed in the subconscious experience of labor.

I found the first half of what I was looking for when I studied with my mentor of Chinese medicine nearly a decade ago. Then, 10 years later, I found my way to year-long, intensive midwifery immersion course with the best midwife I know, and from this wise woman, I found the other half of my answers.

Now I offer you a midwife's traditional knowledge infused with Eastern medicine philosophy to form what I feel is the most complete understanding of physiologic birth for expecting parents.

The way I teach physiologic birth allows the knowledge to become a part of you, so you don't need to memorize any physiology or disrupt your labor with critical thinking to recall what you learned. You will leave this aspect of the program feeling so confident in the instincts of your body and baby and the intuition of your subconscious as the remarkable images of birth used in the program leave a beautiful visual imprint without memorization.

This is why even birth professionals come to the Natural Birth Compass Program when they are preparing for birth!

"This course was a gentle and beautiful reminder that most women today are living within an unnatural timeline invented by a modern society that does not cherish or respect the phases of life that we all inevitably experience. I loved it! Again, you are sharing wisdom and insight that is so needed by so many women today." ~Sarah

Your Access Begins as Soon as You Join, Here's What Awaits:

  • All 6 modules of the Natural Birth Compass Prenatal Wellness & Physiologic Birth Program (value $997)

  • Birth Partner Course with essential material your partner needs to be an integral part of the birth experience (value $197)

  • Bonus #1: Beyond the Birth Plan Mini-Course because traditional birth plans aren't the support you need for natural birth (value $147)

  • Bonus #2: Prenatal Nutrition Series so you have all the tools you need to stay healthy in pregnancy (value $97)

  • Bonus #3: Your Perfect Birth Team so you have the tools you need to find the best birth team for your birth (value $47)

  • Bonus #4: Prenatal Breathwork, Series of Guided Meditative Hypnoses + Option to Create a Personalized Subliminal Recording (value $147)

  • Bonus #5: Circle Magic for Birth Mini-Course with a video series, guidebook, playlist and rituals to support your transition from maiden to mother (value $197)

  • Bonus #6: Support along the way! (value: priceless)

Easy payment plan available, starting as low as $111, or save money when you pay in full!

Natural Birth Compass Program Contains Everything You Need to Calibrate Your Inner Compass

Welcome Module

  • Learn about what it truly means to have choice in pregnancy and birth

  • Find out what intuition and instinct really are and how to begin to access them during your pregnancy

  • Identify your birth archetype

  • Begin your birth vision that you will continue to develop as you continue through the program

Module 1 ~ Foundations & Principles

  • Discover how your inner compass is guiding your life and how to use it to guide your pregnancy & birth

  • Incorporate the Wise Woman Traditions into your prenatal care

  • Tapping to activate your glands and hormones

  • Physiology of pregnancy, testing options, ultrasounds, Rh- blood type & sensitization

  • Tour your baby's placenta

Module 2 ~ Emotions, Intuition, & Instinct

  • Begin using your strengths and supporting your challenges with your compass as your guide

  • Create your compass of nurturing to guide your prenatal care and birth environment needs

  • Learn how to set healthy expectations for yourself and your birth team and how to communicate with everyone on your team, including your birth partner

  • Understand the depths of intuition, instinct and deep knowing and how to use altered states of consciousness to quiet your thinking mind and support your pregnancy and birth

Module 3 ~ Stages & Time In Labor & Physiologic Birth

  • Discover the birth cycle, which is the bridge between Western & Eastern views of the unfolding of birth so you have this tool to rely on throughout your birth for every contraction in every stage of the process

  • Contraction timing practice for you and your birth partner

  • Beautiful graphics to document the physiology of birth from the perspective of you and your baby so you can eliminate all fear of whether natural birth works

  • Simple practices you can use to decrease your risk of tearing

  • Perspectives on what it means to birth "on time" and how to optimize your pregnancy to avoid inductions and interventions

Module 4 ~ Comfort Techniques, Pain & Contractions

  • Discover what "routine" means in birth and how to ensure the coping strategies you access will support instead of disrupt your birth

  • Sink deeper into how to use altered states of consciousness as the greatest innate pain control method for natural birth so you know how to optimize your environment to support altered states

  • Learn how relationships with pain are formed and how to cultivate calm responses to pain so you can use the sensation of pain as a support rather than fear it

  • Gather a range of comfort techniques including a full video lesson & guide book in acupressure, labor positions, tools like combs, and more

  • Help your birth partner recognize what you need in labor based on body movements & cues rather than questions and overwhelm

Module 5 ~ The Fourth Trimester: Postpartum & Newborn Basics

  • The first hours with your newborn & newborn basics

  • Getting to know the postpartum you

  • Getting started with breastfeeding basics

Module 6 ~ Variations Of Normal, Complications, and Changing Your Birth Environment

  • Discover what is a variation vs complication and what to do to get your pregnancy or birth back on track

  • Extensive list of the most common birth herbs and homeopathic remedies to have on hand

  • Things to know if you have to change your birth environment from out-of-hospital to a hospital birth to make the experience as smooth and supportive as possible

Birth Partner Training

  • 60-minute birth overview for busy birth partners with essential knowledge of how to prevent disruptions to the most commonly disrupted aspects of birth to drastically improve your birth experience and your baby's entrance into the world

  • Tuning into Your Awareness audio exercises for birth partners so your partner is prepared to facilitate a calm and peaceful birth environment rather than depending on the birth team to manage your birth space

Bonus #1 ~ Beyond the Birth Plan

  • Discover the four essential components to writing a birth "plan" that your birth team will appreciate and use

  • Mini video course & workbook to walk you through each of the four components so you have your birth "plan" done in under 2 hours

Bonus #2 ~ Prenatal Nutrition Course

  • Learn the basics of nutrition for pregnancy and optimizing energy in birth

  • Discover how much you really need to eat for pregnancy, what nutrients to focus on for each stage of pregnancy, and how to lessen the stress around prenatal nutrition the Wise Woman way

Bonus #3 ~ Your Perfect Team

  • Guides and workbooks to help you assess your relationship with your birth team and who you really want at your birth

  • Pre-written letter to your birth partner to express why you need them to be a part of your pregnancy and birth preparation so you have them on board with the process

  • A guide to provide keys to identify whether your birth provider truly supports physiologic birth

Bonus #4 ~ Prenatal Breathwork, Meditative Hypnosis & Subliminal Affirmations

  • Deepen your connection with your nervous system and subconscious mind through your breath

  • Meet your inner guides, your future self, and explore subconscious programming with meditative hypnosis

  • Wire your subconscious mind for birth with a custom subliminal recording of your birth affirmations we work on together so you are in control of your new beliefs

Bonus #5 ~ Circle Magic For Birth Mini-Course

  • A unique course to support the transformation from maiden to mother so you are prepared mentally, emotionally, and spiritually for the transformation of birth

  • This course contains videos, guides, rituals and music to bring into your daily practice to help you rediscover the magic and power of transitions in life and birth

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I access the material?

The core material is delivered via online video and downloads through our secure student site. Over the duration of your course, you will have multiple opportunities to join group or one-on-one online coaching sessions to get your questions answered. Additionally, you have access to our birth experts over email so you don't have to worry about missing the answers to anything.

What if I have a busy schedule or my due date is near?

That's ok! This program is on-demand so you can go at your own pace. You have access to the material when you need it and where you need it, so you can prepare anytime. There is a lot of material in this course, and there are several pathways through the material to ensure you get as much or as little as you need for your unique birth. Some families work through the essential material in about 14-days, but to really take advantage of all that this program provides, the most benefit is found by allowing 3-4 months, or even more for a full immersion experience. For those with a significant time crunch (aka, I'm due any day!), the Birth Partner Module contains a list of the most critical materials and can be used as a crash course. 

How can I learn about the experience of childbirth online?

The Natural Birth Compass Program is a certified Experience Product®, that means everything we deliver in your course will have your experience in mind. I am confident that the material will exceed your expectations while creating an unforgettable experience, but what is most important is that you feel prepared and illuminated for your birth.

Will this class help me if I'm planning a hospital birth?

This program has been created around the experience of birth center & homebirth, however, learning about the layers of your Natural Birth Compass will be a great investment in your childbirth preparation for any birth place. The only pre-requisite is that you must want to be confident in your ability to give birth and be in control of the process so that you can achieve the best outcome possible. 

Will this class help me if I'm having twins?

I don't specifically cover the unique situation of twin pregnancy and birth at this time, but I have had twin parents use this program to prepare for beautiful twin water births! There are some unique aspects to twins, such as nutrition and the unique way they can experience birth, but much of the preparation beyond is the same and I am happy to talk with you about your questions or concerns before you enroll to be sure this program is suitable for you and along the way as you prepare with the Natural Birth Compass Program material.

How long do I have access to the course material?

Your access to the course material is active for the life of the course, so you can review the postpartum material when you need it most or come back to review if you find yourself expecting another little one in the future. 

How long have you been teaching?

I have been a certified childbirth educator for over a decade, and am also a holistic doula, a prenatal acupuncturist, herbalist, and nutritionist, a certified breathwork instructor, and have training in holistic midwifery from The Matrona in order to bring an advanced level of knowledge to this program beyond your average childbirth preparation classes. I have attended home births and hospital births, and have worked with hundreds of families in their transformation to parents. I am prepared to help you answer any question so you have the most current information available without having to spend hours on the internet.


I'm Tristin, and I love helping women optimize their prenatal health and have a fulfilling birth.

My focus is helping women reduce the risk of pregnancy and birth complications with holistic approaches so they can have the birth they want and avoid interventions they don't need.

After earning my Master's degree in Chinese medicine from Bastyr University in Seattle in 2006, I opened a private practice specialized in fertility and prenatal care.

Though my education was of the highest standards for Chinese medicine, and it prepared me technically for practice, I felt that something was missing from my knowledge base.

After studying with several amazing teachers who provided more technical knowledge, in 2011 I finally found the mentor who would provide me the insights into Chinese medicine I was looking for that helped me become a more holistic practitioner.

In the coming years, my mentor, Dr Yaron Seidman, and I would publish a book, Hunyuan Fertility: Conception, Babies & Miracles.

Along the way, I have also earned certificates in childbirth education, clinical whole foods nutrition, breathwork facilitation, the Body Ready Method© for pregnancy and birth, as well as the Holistic Doula training and a 10-month immersion in Quantum Midwifery practices from the Matrona with the wise one Whapio.

With the knowledge shared with me by my wise mentors, I have developed unique courses for natural pregnancy and birth to help women be able to say "I loved being pregnant and giving birth!".

Please reach out if you would like to learn more about the approach I have used to help hundreds of natural birthing families prepare for their births - it would be an honor to share any part of your pregnancy journey with you 💜.

You Will Benefit From This Program If You Want To Be Prepared For:

  • A calm and peaceful undisturbed birth

  • Confidently and comfortably surrendering to the flow of labor and birth while being in control of your birth

  • Trusting your body to safely birth your baby

  • Feeling more relaxed and comfortable for the duration of pregnancy

  • Avoiding stress-related complications in pregnancy and birth